Complete Guide to Master Power Query

Complete Guide to Master Power Query

2023-08-08 00:00:00
5 min read

In today's data-driven world, turning complex information into valuable insights is key. This is where Power Query comes into play – a tool that can make your data tasks feel like a breeze. 


Think of it as your trusty data sidekick, helping you clean up messy information and turn it into something useful. But Power Query does more than just tidying up data – it's all about making your analyses. 


In this guide, we'll break down Power Query step by step, covering everything you need to know. By the end, you'll have the skills to confidently wrangle your data, improve your decision-making, and boost your efficiency like a pro.


What is a Power Query?

At its core, Power Query is like a wizard for your data. It's a powerful tool that makes getting your data ready for analysis a whole lot simpler. Think of it as a bridge that connects different sources of data and helps you clean, reshape, and combine them into a format that's easy to work with. Whether you're dealing with spreadsheets, databases, or web data, Power Query can handle it all. The best part? It's not just a standalone tool – it's seamlessly integrated with popular software like Excel and Power BI. 


The interface is of a user-friendly spreadsheet environment, including all the Pivotal elements such as Queries, Steps, and Applied Steps. Queries serve as the foundation, outlining your data transformation blueprint. Each Step represents a distinct action – think filtering, sorting, or merging – that gradually molds your data into its refined form. When you've sculpted your sequence of Steps, you apply them to your data.


How to get started with Power Query?

To integrate Power Query into your Excel or Power BI ecosystem, follow these straightforward steps:


Steps to install Power Query in Excel:


Navigate to the "Data" tab and locate the "Get Data" dropdown menu. Select "Get Data" and choose "From Online Services". A click on "From Power Query" will initiate the installation process. Alternatively, you can download the Power Query add-in from the Microsoft website and follow the installation prompts.


How to get started with Power Query in Power BI?


1. To access the Power Query Editor, choose the "Transform data" option located within the Home tab of Power BI Desktop.



2. Establish a Data Connection with your Power BI.


After establishing a data connection, the Power Query Editor is ready to use.


1. Numerous buttons in the ribbon become operational, allowing for interaction with the data within the query.

2. On the left-hand side, a list of queries is presented, accessible for selection, viewing, and refining.

3. The center section showcases data from the chosen query, ready for further refinement.

4. The Query Settings pane provides a catalog of the query's attributes and executed actions.



For more indepth information related to Power BI, kindly refer to the Microsoft Documentation.


How to connect your data sources for Power Query?


Whether you're pulling information from databases, files, or web services, Power Query is your gateway to efficient data access. 


You can connect your data in the following ways:


1. Database Connections: Seamlessly link to your database of choice by selecting the "Get Data" option. From there, choose the appropriate database connector and provide the essential credentials for a secure connection.


2. File Sources: Delve into your files by selecting the "Get Data" option and opting for "File." Depending on your file type – Excel, CSV, or JSON – Power Query accommodates your selection, ushering in a streamlined import process.


3. Web Services: Extend your reach to the online realm by opting for the "From Web" option under the "Get Data" menu. Here, you can input the URL of the desired web service and delve into data acquisition directly from the online domain.


Data Transformation and Cleaning


Refining data granularity is achieved through data filtering and sorting techniques, which are fundamental to organizing and extracting meaningful insights.


Data Filtering Techniques: 


Power Query offers several data filtering techniques to help you refine and shape your data. Some of these techniques include:


Auto Filter: Power Query automatically detects and applies filters based on the data in your columns. You can use the drop-down menus on column headers to select specific values for filtering.


Filter Rows: Use the "Filter Rows" option to manually specify filtering conditions based on column values. This can include filtering for specific values, ranges, or text patterns.


Remove Rows: You can remove unwanted rows from your data based on specific criteria using the "Remove Rows" option. This can be useful for excluding rows that don't meet your analysis requirements.


Keep Rows: Conversely, the "Keep Rows" option lets you retain only the rows that match certain criteria. This can be helpful when you want to focus on specific subsets of your data.


Remove Duplicates: Power Query allows you to easily identify and remove duplicate rows from your data. This helps in maintaining data integrity and accuracy.


Filter by Condition: This technique enables you to apply custom filtering logic based on various conditions using formulas and expressions.


Top N/Bottom N: You can use the "Top N" or "Bottom N" filters to keep only a certain number of rows with the highest or lowest values in a column.


Text Filters: Power Query provides text-specific filters, such as filtering by text length, text contains, or text starts/ends with.


Date Filters: You can filter data based on date ranges, specific dates, or relative date calculations.


Custom Column Filters: Create custom columns using formulas that derive values based on existing columns. Then, filter or manipulate data based on these custom columns.


Advanced Filtering: Advanced filtering options include using logical operators (AND, OR) and combining multiple filtering conditions.


Slicers: In Power Query, you can create slicers to allow users to interactively filter and analyze data in the Power BI report or Excel workbook.


Advanced Power Query Techniques


M Language:


The M language, also referred to as the Power Query Formula Language, is the driving force behind the scenes. While not a prerequisite for basic Power Query usage, delving into its nuances empowers you to craft more sophisticated data transformations. 


To illustrate the power of the M language, consider a scenario where you need to extract the year from a date column. While this can be achieved using Power Query's graphical interface, M allows you to create a custom expression that achieves the same result. 


For instance, the M expression Date.Year([DateColumn]) extracts the year from a date in a column. Similarly, you can use M to perform mathematical operations, concatenate text, and apply conditional logic.


Imagine you have a dataset with a "Product Price" column and a "Discount" column, and you want to calculate the discounted price for each product. Using M, you can craft a custom expression that subtracts the discount from the product price, like each [Product Price] - [Discount].


Phrazor Visual is used on Power BI to generate Narrative Insights on your Power BI Dashboard. With Phrazor Visual, you can customize your insights by setting the objective for your report, Drill down across Hierarchies to see the potential cause behind your visualizations.


For more information regarding the Visual, refer here.


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About Phrazor

Phrazor empowers business users to effortlessly access their data and derive insights in language via no-code querying